Malaysia is a vibrant and progressive country – one of the ten members of the Association of Southeast Asia (ASEAN), a region with a population of 600 million that forms the 6th largest economy in the world.
Malaysia has dedicated strategies for strengthening maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) in the aerospace sector to facilitate economic growth – a goal shared with Arkansas. World Trade Center Arkansas has recently launched an initiative to strengthen the aerospace cluster industry by encouraging state aerospace companies to engage in global trade. This initiative has been implemented through accompanying Arkansas aerospace businesses on trade missions/trade shows, and collaboration with international trade associations.
To launch the aerospace cluster initiative, Mr. Nurul Shams Rusli, director of the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) office in Houston, was invited to explore business opportunities with Arkansas aerospace companies. C&M Machine, TruTrak, and ORC Products, Inc. attended the meeting, as well as the Arkansas Economic Development Commission and the Arkansas Aerospace Alliance. World Trade Center Arkansas is looking forward to collaborating with MIDA to lead Arkansas aerospace companies on future trade missions to Malaysia.