Western Hemisphere
About 1/3 of AR Exports Go to NAFTA Countries (% for 2019)
% Total of Arkansas Exports to World Regions, 2009-19
Nearly Half of All AR Exports go to the Western Hemisphere (% for 2019)
Data obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau and the International Trade Administration’s Exports, Jobs and Foreign Investment reports.
DATA | Arkansas Exports to Canada
Canada is the No. 1 export market for U.S. goods. Arkansas exports $1.1 billion in goods to Canada annually. Canada also the No. 2 source of foreign direct investment in the U.S. There are nearly 50 Canadian-owned companies in the Natural State that employee more than 4,200 Arkansans.
Special Drawing Right (SDR)
The SDR is an international reserve asset, created by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1969 to supplement its member countries’ official reserves. SDR allocations can play a role in providing liquidity and supplementing member countries’ official reserves, as was the case amid the global financial crisis.
Western Hemisphere Quick Trade Facts
Nearly half of all Arkansas’s exports go to Western Hemisphere countries, according to new state export data obtained this year from the International Trade Administration’s (ITA) TradeStats Express. According to the ITA’s report, more than 46 percent of all Arkansas exports go to Western Hemisphere countries.
In addition to this, a report released by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada using U.S. Census Data in April shows that 58 percent of Arkansas agriculture exports to its top five markets go to Western Hemisphere countries. These countries include Mexico, Canada, Haiti and Guatemala. Nearly half of all exports and 72 percent of all Arkansas agriculture exports go to Western Hemisphere countries.
REPORT | Arkansas International Trade Data Summary 2019
Since NAFTA, Arkansas’ exports to Mexico have increased by 732.2%, while those to the rest of the world rose by 312.9%. In other words, Arkansas’ export growth rate to Mexico has been 2.3 times higher than its export growth rate to the rest of the world.
REPORT | USMCA Economic Impact
The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) report assessing the likely impact of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) was requested by the U.S. Trade Representative and required by the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015. The USITC’s report provides an assessment of the likely impact of the agreement on the U.S. economy as a whole and on specific industry sectors and the interests of U.S. consumers. In making its assessment, the Commission investigated the impact the agreement would have on the U.S. gross domestic product; exports and imports; aggregate employment and employment opportunities; and the production, employment, and competitive position of industries likely to be significantly affected by the agreement. In addition to this, a report released by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada using U.S. Census Data in April shows that 58 percent of Arkansas agriculture exports to its top five markets go to Western Hemisphere countries. These countries include Mexico, Canada, Haiti and Guatemala. Nearly half of all exports and 72 percent of all Arkansas agriculture exports go to Western Hemisphere countries.
NAM - USMCA Fact Sheets
The North American commercial market is the most important market for manufacturers in the United States. Over one-third of U.S. manufactured exports are sold just to Canada and Mexico, which purchase more from the United States than our next 10 foreign country partners combined. More than 25 years under the original North American Free Trade Agreement entered into force, the three countries came together to modernize this decades old agreement resulting in the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement that was signed in November 2018. The North American Association of Manufacturers has compiled data and fact sheets to demonstrate the importance of this trading relationship and how passage of the USMCA will be critical for workers and businesses.
REPORT | Arkansas International Trade Data Summary 2018
Arkansas has a diverse economy ranging from aerospace and defense to agriculture, tourism, retail, and services among many others. This summary gives highly detailed information and statistics on trade supported employment, exports in goods and services, as well as detailed trends regarding Arkansas’s most important export markets as they relate to the Western Hemisphere.
USMCA - Full Text
This is the text of the United States Mexico Canada Agreement signed on November 30, 2018. The agreement is the result of the renegotiation and modernization of the North America Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Canada and Mexico. This agreement must still be approved by Congress.
PRESENTATION | Arkansas: A True Ally of Mexico
This presentation was delivered by ProMexico Trade and Investment Commissioner Fernando Marti on October 23, 2018 at the World Trade Center Arkansas’s diplomatic briefing on the status of North America trade relations. ProMexico is the trade and investment commission of the Mexican government and is responsible for growing imports (from countries like the United States), exports and foreign direct investment. This presentation details the trading relationship between the state of Arkansas and Mexico and explains the current status of NAFTA modernization.
PRESENTATION | Canada, the United States & North American Trade
This presentation was delivered by Consul General of Canada in Dallas Vasken Khabayan on October 23, 2018 at the World Trade Center Arkansas’s diplomatic briefing on the status of North America trade relations. The Consul General is responsible for the promotion of Canadian interests in the areas of political and economic relations, investment and trade, public affairs and consular affairs in the five-state territory of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. This presentations details the strategic economic and security relationships between the U.S and Canada and explains key features of the economic relationship that Arkansas has with Canada, the largest buyer of Arkansas made and grown products.
Percentage of Total Exports from Arkansas to Regions
This recent data update released by the U.S. Government was compiled using US ITA TradeStats Express represented as a chart to reflect the total share of Arkansas exports by region from 2007 – 2017.
Arkansas Total vs U.S. Total Exports to Western Hemisphere Countries
This recent data update released by the US Government was compiled using US ITA TradeStats Express. The first graph compares the percent, year-over-year change in exports to Western Hemisphere countries between Arkansas and the United States. The second graph compares the percent of total exports to Western Hemisphere countries between Arkansas and the United States.
YOY Change in Arkansas Exports to the Western Hemisphere from 2007-17
This recent data update released by the US Government was compiled using US ITA TradeStats Express represented as a chart to reflect the yearly change of Arkansas exports to all the Western Hemisphere regions. This recently updated report highlights the year-over-year variance as a percentage of all Arkansas exports going to the Western Hemisphere from 2007-2017.
Growth of Arkansas Agriculture Exports to Western Hemisphere
This recent data update released by the US Government was compiled using US ITA TradeStats Express represented as a chart to reflect the percentage from total agricultural exports to all the Western Hemisphere countries. This recently updated report highlights the agricultural share as a percentage of all Arkansas agriculture exports going to the Western Hemisphere from 2007-2017.
Arkansas Goods Exports, 2007-17
This recent data update released by the U.S. Government was compiled using US ITA TradeStats Express represented as a chart to reflect the yearly change of Arkansas exports to all the Western Hemisphere regions compared to the rest of the world from 2007 – 2017.