The World Trade Center Arkansas is pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between University of Arkansas Pine Bluff, and Université Nord-Sud of Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire. This agreement sets forth a frame work for both institutions to collaborate in areas of teaching, research and services. Dr. Laurence B. Alexander, chancellor of University of Pine Bluff (UAPB), and Mory Diabate, president of Université Nord-Sud (Nord-Sud), signed the MOU. Also present at the signing were Inza Camara,Cote d’Ivoire delegate general with Cote d’Ivoire Economic Promotion Bureau; Yacouba Kone, Washington DC representative for Delegate General Camara; Souleymone Diabate, director of Development Université Nord-Sud; Dr. Jacquelyn W. McCray, interim vice chancellor for Academic Affairs UAPB; Dr. Janes Garner, Jr., dean/director of UAPB; Dr. Edmund R. Buckner, associate dean of 1890 Programs UAPB; Dr. George Richardson, USDA 1890 program liaison UAPB; Dr. Pamela More, associate director of Global Engagements OIPS UAPB; Denise Thomas, director of Africa Trade World Trade Center Arkansas; Harvey Howington, board member of Arkansas Rice Growers; other distinguished faculty and staff with UAPB; and Cote d’Ivoire media representatives. Chancellor Alexander and President Diabate commemorated this ceremony with words of appreciation and comradery. The closing of the MOU signing ended with select remarks made by supporters, a round of applause, and customary gift exchange between the guests and key leaders. This MOU is the culmination of collective works established by the signing of an MOU in November between the World Trade Center Arkansas and Cote d’Ivoire Economic Development organization. This MOU encourages and facilitates exchanges among public policy makers, civic leaders, think tanks, academia, and business organizations between Arkansas and Cote d’Ivoire to enhance understanding and foster mutually beneficial relationships. The World Trade Center Arkansas and Cote d’Ivoire Economic Promotion Bureau hosted and organized the first meeting with UAPB and Nord-Sud in November 2014. “It is always a pleasure to work with the administration, faculty and staff at UAPB,” Mory Diabate, President Université Nord-Sud said. “This unique agreement will provide students opportunity to gain needed skills to further their academic, and cultural exchange experience. In addition, this MOU serves as an intellectual catalyst for economic, social, and cultural transformation on a global, and regional scale. We welcome this opportunity and the potential it holds”. Denise Thomas World trade Center Arkansas Director of Africa Trade stated, “The World Trade Center Arkansas is happy to see this partnership and we hope to help it grow and expand into other areas within both institutions. This was a wonderful day and we are all pleased with the prospect of new opportunities it will bring”.