The WTC Arkansas and the WTC San Marino championed a trade mission to Italy and assisted with the coordination of the meetings, where Prestigio San Marino and Bright Water Industries could meet.
Prestigio is a high-end carbon bicycle that is 100% hand-made in Italy and is the masterful creation of its President Giancarlo Di Marco. He has developed a process for craftsmanship that is rare in that very few bikes are handcrafted to this level. Conceived by top designers, every bike is tailor-made according to the needs of each individual customer.
Bright Water Industries, of Hiwasse, Arkansas, manufactures top line outdoor recreation products with labels such as ZUM Toyz and ZUM Balance Bikes at, Mountain Tracks Snow Shoes, and Frankie Avalon Big Kahuna Surf Boards, which are created and distributed from their small shop in Arkansas.
President and CEO Todd Mains commented, “I know that by adding this great product to my merchandise and utilizing my established channels of distribution, we will strategically grow Prestigio into a recognizable brand in the United States that represents quality, precision and a superior ride.”
This is a long term strategic partnership which has fostered an agreement whereby Arkansas company Bright Water Industries will exclusively represent Prestigio in the U.S. For more information, please visit Prestigio at